Give to me your tired and your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. Blessed are the persecuted, And blessed are the pure in heart, Blessed are the merciful, And blessed are the ones who mourn, And blessed are the ones who mourn.
很震撼It could be me. 想到伯明翰学派的亚文化研究里那种朋克青年们被商业收编的悲壮感然而中国乡村务工青年的抵抗从来没有获得哪怕一丁点的文化话语权国产又猛又黄又爽是因为载体和工业发展程度吗起承转合都是经济问题一场失语的视觉抵抗、情感游行 The Kinks的Where’re they now情感同样适用…唯一关键的是他们没能突围没能成为大众文化的一部分中国有太多太多的问题在发生像一潭发烧的湖“成群游来鱼的脊背无始无终只有关于青春的说法 一触即断”