休格兰特演渣男如鱼得水本卫肖也好会演严肃又搞笑印度妓女毛茸茸ⅩXXX特别是bunnies那里why did you say bunniesare you a bunny am I married to a bunny爆笑
同年竞争的俩片一个是好莱坞过气默片女星自刷存在感另一个是百老汇新星坑蒙拐骗发迹史 最佳影片给了这部最佳剧本给了《印度妓女毛茸茸ⅩXXX》足够说明一定问题 bette davis果然不输凯瑟琳赫本只怕是老演些坏女人才落得个影史第二称号 结尾很惊艳 funny business, a woman's career
I feel like a beautiful dream. After many days of waiting, I finally got to see this movie. The film is very attractive. Both the crew and the actors were very passionate in each of their scenes. ❤️