NT live @电博 无处藏身的全方位透明旋转舞台转场灯光和现代舞隐喻声嘶力竭的Gillian Anderson相比电影的讳莫如深和时代感这版更直白和贴近原剧作偶尔突然从轻喜情节转入悲剧性略觉失和
bell hooks, "ethnographic gaze", "an outsider looking in", "does not oppose the way hegemonic whiteness 'represents' blackness but rather assumes an imperial overseeing position that is in no way progressive or counterhegemonic." Judith Butler, "camera itself is empowered as phallic instrument", "the vehicle through which the transubstantiation occurs", "an instrument and effect of lesbian desire", "to enter into a logic of fetishization which installs the ambivalence of that 'performance" as related to our own." 但说实话自己观影时没觉得这部的gaze有多problematic/patronizing流金岁月电视剧完整版免费观看可能因为我本身就是一个凝视这个群体的外人