贝儿唱 'I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want so much more than they got plan', 就像小美人鱼唱'Bright young woman, sick of swimming, ready to stand'迪士尼史上头两个有女权意识的公主全都应该感谢一个濒死的艾滋患者
年轻的时候不愿意进入婚姻被邻居老头不停的要认为它会束缚自由但人越长大经历的离别越多生活中的苦难越大能理解的人却越少总是会在某一个时刻走到岔路口猛然抬头发现已经空无一人只剩下自己拔剑四顾心茫然的巨大孤独I can’t believe childhod is over...Women have minds and they have souls and they have ambitions... I’m so sick of people saying that love is all a woman is fit for. I’m so sick of it...But I’m so lonely.
NTLive. Impressive but hard, if not impossible to understand. Maybe that's the charm of it.