卓别林的第一部长片A picture with a smile -and perhaps, a tear. 寻求喜剧和戏剧之间的正确平衡也标志着剧情片和喜剧片的结合——剧情喜剧片(Dramedy)的诞生在喜剧中讲述剧情让观众与角色有了情感的联系女人私密紧致图片也能探索一些深刻的主题而不是一味的制作笑料弃儿和流浪汉之间的关系有感于卓别林三天大的孩子夭折的经历影片传递的情感轻易就让人产生共鸣孩子抡起石头砸玻璃卓别林若无其事修玻璃警察尾随其后真是一段经典的场景
I despise this egocentric and incompetent director with his equally arrogant and fragile Poirot with anger management issues. Awful and torturing to watch. Luckily my group won't fall for the same trap again. And get your dirty hands off Agatha Christie's books!